06 July 2005


Mel is leaving today for Europe. For three weeks. How could she be so lucky as to get to tour Europe for three weeks with her best friend? She is going to have the time of her life, although she probably won't remember most of it. Cheers to you, Mel.

BTW, vaarwel is goodbye in Dutch, the official language of Amsterdam, if you didn't already know that.

So I discovered...

that not 100 yards behind my apartment complex, just on the otherside of the Greenbelt, there is a train track. The back of my apartment, where my bed is located, is probably only 50 yards from the tracks. Didn't realize this until I spent my first night here. Trains frequent the area at least 5 times a day and 5 times a night. Now you may be thinking, how the hell do you sleep? Actually, the trains provide a relaxing rumbling so that it's somewhat like sleeping in a thunderstorm. It's awesome.

05 July 2005

Death Cab for Rachael

Getting this thing up and running...wait for it...
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