05 August 2010

Still the One

Sitting down to work on my online flight instructor renewal I turned on the tv for background noise/diversion while I first uploaded some photos.

Having tired for the afternoon of Shark Week (there is a lot of tv watching happening while in Eagle Lake, getting my dose of tv for the year) I pulled up the guide to see if any movies were coming on. And what do you know, Kill Bill, Vol. 1 was to start in just 15 short minutes! Oh. Hell. Yes.

Now, I'm not one for movie, music, tv reviews despite seeing/hearing/experiencing things that move me. And this blog has never served as a place for such. So all I'll say is this: When the opening credits began to roll, followed by Uma's panicked breathing then her bloodied face, I remembered how I waited with bated breath for the inevitable the first time I saw the movie. Years later, seeing that scene again, I still got that short-of-breath-excitement as the first time around.

Here's to the mad genius that is Quentin Tarantino.
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