29 January 2006

Wake Me Up

When I got out of the cab and walked through the streets I couldn't believe it. Now it's day 2, and I'm still not sure it's completely sunk in. Too bad I have to go back to Austin so soon...More later. Caio.

27 January 2006

I'm coming to you this morning, yes for once it's a morning post rather than a late late night post, because I have a free minute. No I didn't get up early, I actually slept in, and no I am not skipping class. You see, I have this way of taking on far more than I can handle with the stubborn notion that I can do it. But I've learned from my past mistakes and chose this time to drop a class before my health and friendships suffer too much. 17 hours and playing softball just wasn't working. I was spending every free moment of my day with my nose in the books, and it still wasn't enough. And this is all before the first round of tests and we even started playing. So I dropped a class and now I don't go to class until 11 every day. More time for me, more time for friends...Things are looking up around here.

24 January 2006

I'm taking applications

Carly tagged me, and this one is my favorite so far so I'm getting all of you too!

Mel, Nana, Joe Bob, Sefan, Sethery, Air Sare, Private Poole, and Sir Justin. Perf! I wasn't sure if I knew 8 people...

The rules: The tagged person lists 8 different points of their perfect lover/partner, mentioning the sex of said partner.

'Ere we go:

I want the sex of my partner to be tender but occasionally dominating.

one- applicants must understand the importance of above comment and be able to deliver

dos- applicants should be overflowing with ambition

three- applicants need to make me laugh

four- applicants must be ok with just chillaxin with me, but be ready to go at a moment's notice

five- applicants need be able to keep up with me

six- applicants should be smart and sophisticated

seven- applicants must be willing to show me the lovin'

eight- applicants need to be able to keep me on my toes and bring me back down to earth when I need it

21 January 2006

let's see...

Point taken, Carly. I know I have been really bad at updating the blog lately.

So you probably all know about the trip I'm taking this summer. 30 days by Amtrak throughout the US and Canada. That's right Carly, Canada! I'll be gracing your beloved country. It will be my first time out of the country in fact. I have to sit down and figure out the exact dates of the stops I'll take so I can get my ticket, but potential stops include: New Orleans, Atlanta, D.C., Baltimore, Philly, New York, Boston, Rochester, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Portland, Chicago and a few others. Carly, if you have any suggestions of things I can't come to Canada without seeing that are on that route, let me know.

First thing I've got to do before I really start planning this is ask my rents for an $800 loan for the ticket...and I haven't even told them that I'm going yet...this should be interesting.

14 January 2006

09 January 2006

Game On

A couple of weeks ago I bought a dart board. I also bought materials to make a cabinet with doors and all the works that the board would hang in. It would hide the board when not in use and also house the score card and darts. But I didn't plan the cabinet out well enough and it wasn't working right, so I put it away to work on later. The board has just been sitting in the closet. Until today. Then an idea struck me.

I hung it on the back side of the door I have standing in my apartment. The door provides a "safety net", if you will, for stray darts, I can move them around my apartment to play in different places, I don't have screws in my wall from hanging the cabinet, and when I'm finished, all I have to do is turn the door back around to hide the board. Don't ask me why it took so long for the idea to come to me, I'm too busy perfecting my game.

Phobia City

You all know how bad I am with scary movies. I couldn't sleep last night, because I had a dream, a dream!, about that new flick "Hostel", the part where the chick's toe gets cut off. I haven't even seen the movie. Then today I nearly jumped out of my seat two different times when I saw a snake on t.v.

I used to not have an issue with either. I could handle scary movies, and I was actually fascinated with snakes. I don't know when or how these phobias developed along the way, but they're getting worse. I pass out in movie theaters and writhe with fear over snakes. What harm is a scary movie? And I have never been bitten by a snake, or seen a real one in over a year, but I don't know how to reverse this curse.


My neighbor Richard is an inventor/promoter of cool things, and he just gave me what is his latest invention. After 3 years of working on it, he now has on the market a toothbrush designed for on the go use. It's the OHSO Marko Pocket Toothbrush. Check it out here.
I'm going to leave this open. Whoever wants to do it can (that means you too Mel), but I'm not going to "tag" anyone this time.

-I have helped my dad build around 20 houses throughout my life.
-I used to drive tractors for my brother in the summer.
-Worked on a ranch for 3 years riding horses.

-Kill Bill 1 & 2
-Pretty Woman
-Boondock Saints
-The Family Guy Movie

-Anna, Texas
-Austin, Texas
(I have only lived in two)

-Family Guy
-Sex and the City
-Modern Marvels

-Steamboat Springs, Colorado (Softball, not really a vacation)
-Angel Fire & Ruidoso, New Mexico (Skiing)
-Blue River, Oklahoma (Camping)
That's all I can think of. Traveling for softball was usually my "vacation".

-Turkey sammich

-New York City
-Snowboarding, backpacking, or kayaking in Colorado
-Just about anywhere in Europe
-Sydney. Maybe Justin and I could meet up.

06 January 2006

You may have noticed a trend in my last several posts...all pictures. It's because I have been COMPLETELY uninspired lately. Forgive me and my blog for being so unentertaining.

04 January 2006

Gotta give the girl props.

01 January 2006

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