05 September 2005

Another random ass question

If you could fill a swimming pool with something other than water, what would it be? Email, IM, text, tell me your answer.

Rachael: C-notes
Matt: Spaghetti noodles
Jac: Dos and lime tablets
Tina: Her favorite candies-Reese's Pieces, Whoppers and Raisinettes
Joe: gravity defying fans
Shannon: fine men
Chez: Tropical Punch Kool-Aid or grape drink
Lexy: jello, of the lime persuasion
Mel: Tito's (the vodka, not her and Devan)
G Love: vanilla pudding, but he meant to say peach cobbler with ice cream.
Cat: Chocolate Teddy Grahams and milk, not chocolate

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