Last night marked my return home from one of the greatest weeks I've ever had. Ten days of touring New England. Stories and more pictures to follow.
For the past several weeks, or months even, I've felt quite stagnant in Austin--exactly what I had hoped to never have happen. Getting out of town showed me it already was. As cool as Austin is and as much as I love it, I've fallen into a rut which has left me rather uninspired--nothing new, no imagination, no aspirations. My favorite part of the trip was going to my favorite place--Manhattan. The trip absolutely stimulated my mind in ways that it'd been starving for (explanations to come.) It also validated how I can be obsessed with and love so much a city that I've only spent a total of 5 days in, including this past week. My mind is very much rejuvenated. For now at least. Onto my body...
For the next 10 days I'll be going on quite a different kind of expedition. I will be consuming only Master Cleanse (distilled water, organic maple syrup, lime juice and organic cayenne) from
Daily Juice down the street, which my body should appreciate after everything I put into it over the past 10. To know me is to know that I love food. This should be interesting.