24 October 2006

Sorry no posts lately..I've been swamped at work.

I ordered a new bike the other day to get started on my training for the Texas4000. Happy birthday to me.

Mike and I found a bad ass house and moved in yesterday, also a reason that I've been so busy.

The Master Cleanse lasted a day. Cayenne pepper is not nice to me. Neither is not eating.

Texas4000 is beginning to take up a lot of time as well since I was assigned to equipment committee chair. Oh and raising $4000.

Here are some more pics from the trip. These are all from NYC.


Sethery said...

Holla Back one time.

Wanna come to Denmark?!

Hope all is well.

little sleepyhead said...

yeah, that fast sounded kind of wicked intense... i hear some juice fasts are good though..

damn, i have a couple of pics of you here, but i can't attach them to my comment.... such are the failures of technology..

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