16 December 2006


I think New Year's resolutions are stupid. Why is it that people need a special day to start making their lives better? Why not just do it anyway? And what's more, most of the time the ideas are abandoned or neglected after a few days or weeks anyway. That being said, do any of you have plans for making resolutions for the first day of 2007 and what might they be? What resolutions have you made in the past that you've committed to or some that you may have given up on in the past?

11 December 2006

"You're crazy but I like you."

It seems like they are getting crazier and crazier daily.

But cats don't like water! More evidence that they're actually pterodactyls, or possibly velociraptors.

Their sweet side

10 December 2006

eff that noise

Thanks to Cat's "what the hell?" comment I'm back to blogging again.

So here's what's up:

Today is my bro's birthday. He's 23.

This is what I wish I was doing right now:

Cullen is coming back into town to throwdown before she leaves for Kuwait in the spring.

This time last year>>

Fall classes are over and after my two finals I'll breath a sigh of relief that I made it through the semester despite skipping half of my classes. Yes, half. The only class that I really enjoyed this semester was at 8am and of the handful of times that I went, or maybe even less, I fell asleep. So most of the time I didn't bother with going. Next semester is looking more promising.

I'm gearing up for the bike ride next summer. My teammates are pretty rad and we're working to get things set up, but I'm just ready to hop on the bike and get going already. I want to see some new stuff and can't wait to find myself waking up in a new city everyday. I think I've only been to 2 or 3 of the places that we'll be going through so that makes me extremely excited. Maybe it'll itch my traveling bone long enough for me to save some money for my next trip. Only six months until we leave for Alaska...
I've moved into a new house for those of you that I haven't talked to in a long ass time. It's amazing.
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