23 July 2010

New, Fun Stuff!!

I'm all giddy. Here's why:

-Mainly, I've been flying. It isn't until I go fly again that I remember just how damn much I miss it when it's been a while. I really, really need to get myself a more steady gig and keep moving down the road to becoming a full-time heli pilot. Which leads me to the next thing that has got me all a'flutter:

-New business prospect(s)!! More on this when it's more concrete. I'll just say this, it involves helicopters AND photography! What more could I want? (Maybe to take Buddy, but that will happen eventually)

-New running shoes and feeling pretty darn fit.

-The move back to my old 'hood, possibly even my old house that I love love love!

-The fact that, thanks to Austin Art Garage, I have sold artwork before it's even been hung. My prints are ready to be hung and I should be up on their webpage within the next day or so!!

-I've had the little boy dog for a while now and will have him for a while more. Good quality time. He is asleep with his super soft snout on my foot right now.

-My super duper kind of new peeps Jon and Amy. Love spending time with these guys.

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