20 September 2005

Missing In Action

Wow...so tonight I went to see M.I.A. play a show at the 40 Watt Club in Athens, Georgia. For those of you who don't know, she's some amazing mix of hip hop with socially conscious lyrics that you can literally dance your ass of to. Hails from Sri Lanka by way of London, and let me be the first to tell you she is THE NEXT BIG THING. I have been to many a concert, but this was by far one of the best. Imagine being shoved into the same club where R.E.M. got their start with hundreds of other sweaty people while this girl just GOES OFF on the mic, everyone touching, everyone dancing, everyone singing...for the sake of this blog we'll just call it two hours of communal orgasm. Seriously, I was blown away. Pull up your preferred method of illegal file sharing and immediately download the following three songs to get a taste of what's to come...I dare you not to dance!

1. Galang
2. Sunshowers
3. Bucky Done Gun

Thanks, and you're welcome.

UPDATE: Pay attention to the new Honda commercial. The song playing in the background is M.I.A.'s "Galang." Told you she's gonna be big...5 bucks it's in the next iPod commercial

1 comment:

Tiffany Fairbanks said...

I love her! I've had her Cd for six months and it never gets old. She is the best and I am jealous of you for seeing her!

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