10 October 2005

Hit me

So if you leave your name on here I will

1. Respond with something random about you.
2. Tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. Say something that only makes sense to me and you.
4. Tell you my first memory of you.
5. Reveal what I thought of you upon first impression.
6. Chose a flavor of jello we could wrestle in.
7. Ask you something that I have always wanted to know about you.


poole said...


Justin Thyme said...

:-) I'm game!

Anonymous said...

I cant imagine what you would say about me.....

Anonymous said...

oooh ooh, do me!!! i WOULD like to know what you'd have to say about me!:) and I'd like to be on your SUHWEET blog thing...

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