04 October 2005

So there.

This is a copy of an e mail I just sent my dad. I think you'll appreciate the initial request for money, haha.

Just wanted to remind you that the Charter communications bill was $93.15. I also put the two previous bills in the mail to you yesterday. In addition, was wondering your opinion on Bush's latest nomination for the Supreme Court. A woman, sure, but one with no judicial experience whatsoever? Even some of the conservative are pissed! Every day I become more saddened with our nation's choice of leadership -- and it's NOT that he's a conservative. It's that we are facing one of the most important times in our country, full of change that will impact our lives directly and forever, and we have a man who continues to make the wrong choice at every turn, driven by whatever motives he appears to be serving (I cannot discern anymore what these are). The Supreme Court during our lifetime will be faced with some of the most important decisions in our nation's history, rivaled perhaps only since the 1960's. Abortion, affirmative action, gay marriage -- and we are appointing people who might legislate based on their own personal beliefs rather than upholding the law and our own personal freedoms? It really, truly saddens me that our country is being led by this guy. Surely you cannot maintain your original faith in him? Plus, you should have seen the way he behaved in the press conference -- total ass!! I think a guy from the Washington Post was about ready to flip him off. I'd rather have Laura Bush leading the freaking country, at least our libraries would have some good books!! Just wanted to provoke some thought from you -- I'm depressed about our nation. Boooo to Bush. So there.
Love you!

your crazy liberal, sandal-wearing, tree-hugging granola of a daughter,


Rachael said...

i would follow bush blindly to any destination he chose, but i'm afraid we wouldn't make it more than 5 steps without getting lost

Justin Thyme said...

:-) Great post and comments... reminds me of a joke I recently read:

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing.
He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

"OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands.

Finally, the President looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?

Or, even better still...

At a recent press conference, Bush was asked for his opinion on Roe vs. Wade. Bush replied, "I don't care HOW people get out of New Orleans."

Rachael said...

justin, i got a good laugh out of these too. and thanks for the nice post on your blog.

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