02 December 2005

New Year's!!

Dear all of my long-lost friends,

I know what you're thinking. Where the f@#k has Mel Jay been? What a dirty pirate whore. And I agree with you, my absence is unexcusable (or is that inexcusable? Anyway, back to the point). I've been completely swamped with bleak and dreary school, entirely in the spirit of the Scroogiest of Scrooges. However, today my mood took a turn for the better. After an especially amazing conversation with my favorite Baxter, it has come to my attention that, contrary to my previous belief, quite a few of us will be in the ATX for New Year's. We're talking Alisha and Darci, Tina, myself and G Love, Rachael Ray (I think)...you know what that means--- THEME PARTY BITCHES!! Alas, my idea for a Chinese New Year's never seemed to catch on, so this blog is now open to suggestions, as well as RSVP's, invitations, offers to host, etc. etc. Thank you for your time, I must now return to my lack of a life as a "serious student." (Bah Humbug)

Wishing you all the holiday cheer (not to mention beer) you can stand,
Mel Jay


Anonymous said...

I will be the first to recommend Da House for the Partay. As for a theme...I will get back to you on that one.

Joe Bob

ALISHA said...


Anonymous said...

BAXTER.....it's going to be AMAZING!!

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