09 October 2005

May I help you?

Justin's blog gave me this idea, and I have writer's block. So if there's anything you want me to post about, any topics you feel should be discussed or you would like to read my opinion (or Mel's) about, or if you have any questions you would like to ask me about anything, leave a comment, and I'll get right to it.

1 comment:

Justin Thyme said...

1) A genie has granted you three wishes... what would they be and why?

2) What is your secret guilty pleasure, and when do you generally indulge in it?

3) What is the one personal item you have that you just cannot live without and why?

4) What is the one regret that you wish you could go back in time and change, and what would you do differently?

How are those for starters, my young friend? :-)

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