24 January 2006

I'm taking applications

Carly tagged me, and this one is my favorite so far so I'm getting all of you too!

Mel, Nana, Joe Bob, Sefan, Sethery, Air Sare, Private Poole, and Sir Justin. Perf! I wasn't sure if I knew 8 people...

The rules: The tagged person lists 8 different points of their perfect lover/partner, mentioning the sex of said partner.

'Ere we go:

I want the sex of my partner to be tender but occasionally dominating.

one- applicants must understand the importance of above comment and be able to deliver

dos- applicants should be overflowing with ambition

three- applicants need to make me laugh

four- applicants must be ok with just chillaxin with me, but be ready to go at a moment's notice

five- applicants need be able to keep up with me

six- applicants should be smart and sophisticated

seven- applicants must be willing to show me the lovin'

eight- applicants need to be able to keep me on my toes and bring me back down to earth when I need it


Rachael said...

mel jay, you're up

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poole said...
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Rachael said...

Mel Jay, you could've made it a new post. And I love the list.

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