13 February 2006

My name is Rachael

childhood ambition...be a fighter pilot
my soundtrack...laughter
wildest dream...be the female version of Donald Trump...oh wait, that's Oprah...
biggest challenge...keeping my life in perspective...but I say fuck holding back
alarm clock...is in my phone
perfect day...70 degrees and sunny, everything falls perfectly into place
first job...building houses with my dad
indulgence...wasting time with the boys
last purchase...a plane ticket to new york
favorite movie...Kill Bill
inspiration...my own imagination
my life...is about making my ideas become real

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, you know I love stuff like this! Now it's waiting as a draft to be psoted at a later date.

I am FINALLY committed to getting caught up on everything that I've missed. It took me forever to get adjusted to Vancouver life again. In the words of my friend, Jimmy Fallon, I hate this place!

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